Bastin van Elzakkers was dit keer in de Gertrudiskerk om verslag te doen van een bijzonder concert.

Vijf minuten voor aanvang was er een enorme stilte in de kerk in afwachting van een afwisselend concert dat gegeven werd door organist Hayo Boerema & Sandnes kulturskole Ung Symfoni uit Noorwegen.

Hayo Boerema geboren in 1972 te Groningen heeft gestudeerd aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium te Den Haag. En heeft in heel wat landen zijn symphonische repertoire ten gehore gebracht. Daar hij ook prijzen op diverse concoursen in Wenen, Neurenberg, Parijs, St. Albans, Kotka en in eigen land te Nijmegen mee heeft gewonnen. De eerste klanken was het Merck toch hoe sterck dat imposant door de kerk galmde.

Sandnes kulturskole Ung Symfoni komt uit Noorwegen en is een cultuur school voor jonge mensen die educatief met dans en muziek bezig willen zijn. Dit jeugdig strijkorkest wat in de St. Getrudiskerk voor u optrad heeft in heel wat landen bekendheid verworven. De concertmeester van het orkest heeft zijn viool door een Nederlander laten maken. Genaamd Mathijs Adriaan Heyligers die zijn atelier in Cremona te Italië heeft.

Een kleine impressie van het concert ziet u in de foto galerij.

Tekst en foto’s Bastin van Elzakkers



In English:

Five minutes before the start, there was a huge silence in the church in anticipation of an alternate concert given by organist Hayo Boerema & Sandnes culture school Ung Symfoni from Norway.

Hayo Boerema, born in 1972 in Groningen, has studied at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. And in many countries his symphonic repertoire has been heard. He also won awards at various competitions in Vienna, Nuremberg, Paris, St. Albans, Kotka and in his own country in Nijmegen. The first sounds were the Merck, however, how strong that sounded impeccably by the church.

Sandnes Cultural School Ung Symfoni comes from Norway and is a culture school for young people who want to be educated with dance and music. This youthful string orchestration performed for you in the St. Getrudisk has gained awareness in many countries. The concert master of the orchestra has made his violin a Dutchman. Named Mathijs Adriaan Heyligers who has his studio in Cremona in Italy.

A small impression of the concert can be seen in the photo gallery.

Text and pictures Bastin van Elzakkers


Na afloop ontvingen wij nog een email van Olga Zetterstrøm met de volgende inhoud..

Afterwards we received an email from Olga Zetterstrøm with the following content:

'Hi Bastin! :-)


Here is Olga, one of the orchestra from Norway. I told you about the violin made by Dutch violinmaker. I was filming the concert, so I do not have pictures from that (can send you video if you want). So, I took some pictures after the concert. Sending them to you, so you can see this violin.


The boy's name is Aleksander Zetterstrøm. He is 16 years old, playing violin from he was 6 and joining the program for young talents in Norway. He has played both solo and in orchestra both in Norway and abroad. He has also won a grant in Norway. For some years he had a violin from Chicago that Sandnes Kommune in Norway let him borrow. He was searching for the professional violin that could be his own. After trying some of them here and there and after visiting Cremona twice, he has chosen a new beautiful master piece made in Cremona by Dutch violin maker Mathijs A. Heyligers. This violin is professional and just brilliant, and it was very special to hear it sounding in Netherlands, motherland of this wonderful violinmaker.


And it was also very special to hear National song of Norway, played on the organ at the end of the concert. Thanks to Hayo Boerema.


That was a big pleasure for us to play in magnificent Sint-Gertrudiskerk!


Thank you so much and best greetings from Sandnes Kulturskole Ung Symfoni.